May 2 Nd is always a hard day for me..As it's the day I lost the most important person in my life..My Mama she truly was the finest Mom a daughter could of ever asked for..She loved me unconditionally. She was the leader of my fan club always there to encourage me no matter what I was doing..I so remember when I learned to fly and talked her into going out flying with me lol! I swear she never opened her eyes or unclasped
her hands from the minute we left the run way until we touched down ha ha!! I can still see her sitting there in the passenger seat with her sweet smile and her eyes closed..
She always told me I could do anything..Just believe in God first and then yourself and it will come to you..Any time I got down..My Mama would tell me there enough pity in this world "Gloria you don't need too add to it"..
Did I ever tell you guys I had my first child when I was 16..Oh I was married to a bum but I was married..By the time I had my first child I was back living with my Mama..My Mama was 36 at that time and hold everything she also was expecting my youngest brother..My daughter is 4 months older than my brother ha ha!! She made room in her home for me and my daughter..So here we are 2 new mothers with 2 new babies..Now I bet alot of you can't say you fed your brother a bottle and your daughter at the same time.. My Mama's heart was bigger than her home..I miss you so much Mama, I miss your humor, I miss your love, I miss your sweet smile, But I really miss you here to encourage me each day!!

And then we have my life's love Wally..He's having lunch with my mama today...He was the love of my life for over 31 years..He make me laugh, smile and enjoy each day we had together..
It's been 13 years today since God called him home..sighs.So as you can tell May 2 Nd is a double hitter for me..So many memories going on within my head and heart..
I Miss you more with each passing day... ♥ BUT I"LL BE SEEING YOU
May all of you have a Blessed day...
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Oh Gloria,
You touched me so much with this post. I am so sorry for your losses and yet I know you celebrate their lives and time with you too.
Here's to your wonderful Momma and love of your life hubby!
Super Big Hugs today,
Dear Gloria,
I will keep you close in my thoughts today ... I lost my father when I was just 16 on May 4th and my mother in 2007 on May 14th ... May is hard for me too. Something we share.
What a touching post Gloria. Keeping you in thoughts today my friend and sending some hugs your way too.
Hi darling, I would love to have met your mother and Wally, I know they were wonderful people. I can feel the love you had for both. Sending out lots of love, thoughts and hugs to you on this day. Would love to be there to share many a cup of coffee and a long chat.. hugs ~lynne~
Well, now you know that I am sitting here with tears coursing down my cheeks. How sad to have lost two such special people on the very same day of the month. Maybe that is so you only have one day of heavy grieving every year instead of two separate ones. Blessings and peace for your heart- xo Diana
I forgot to say what a beautiful woman your mother was and your hubby was very handsome.
What a sweet post Gloria. Your mama sounds like a wonderful woman! I miss mine everyday. Sending sweet thoughts to your side of the moundain.
Oh Ms. Gloria. Your sweet mother was beautiful and looks like she was very stylish. There is nothing like a Mothers love. Kinda like an old mother chicken, put those wings out and chase you off if you come after her chicks. Some day you and I both will be re-united with our dear Mama's. Richard from My Old Historic House.
((((hugs))))) dear friend. This is an incredibly touching post, and whether or not you intended it to - it made me guilty for not calling my Mama all week. So I stopped, and picked up the phone and said "Hey Mama, I'm sorry I haven;t called you." She said, 'Thats ok I know you love me." Boy do I ever. I am so blessed to still have both of my parents with me. Thank you for this gentle reminder to call the ones you love and tell them you love them while you still can. xxoo
What a beautiful post. Your mother was a beautiful woman. I hope you are doing well. Thank you for stopping by and saying hi. I am doing well and my husband is hanging in there, he has his good days and his bad days. Have a blessed day and take care. Madeline
Oh Gloria! To loose two of those whom you love the most on the same day must be very hard. On the other hand I am glad to hear you do know that God has them safely in his care and again someday you will join them both! Take care dear sweet Lady! Your mother was so pretty! And from the way you write I can tell your Mama taught you well. You have a lot of her in you too! Hugs!
Thinking of you. I know how difficult these days can be. Chin up Thank you for sharing I do hope our thoughts and prays help. Cheers SpecialK XoXo
Oh sweet Gloria...I don't know why but I never realized that you lost them both on the same date! No wonder this is a hard day for you. I wish I lived closer so I could give you a hug. I know that you are surrounded by your loving family to do that, though. I know a little baby hug from my little sweeties goes a long way so I am hoping you got to have little Landen in your arms today. I have to say it again, your courage is an inspiration to me, dear friend! Sending special hugs your way today...Debbie
Gloria, what a sweet and touching post. It is so difficult to be separated from our loved ones, but thankfully, it is a temporary separation. What a tender and loving tribute to both of them. May God bless you! Linda
Oh, Gloria: I'm so sorry for your losses. I can see you still miss them so much. As a young girl, I lost my favorite Aunt on April 1. I hated it because while everyone else was making April Fool's jokes, I was miserable. Who was to know that we would lose our son many years later on April 1. You will never forget them, but will always remember the good times you had with your angels.Take care my dear friend..Judy
What a touching tribute to your Mom and Wally!
May all of your memories of them be happy ones!
How blessed you were to have such an awesome Mom Gloria- I can see why you would miss her so much. We all need cheerleaders in our life and don't often seem to be alot of them around!
May your memories of your loved ones comfort you!
bee blessed
Gloria, This is such a beautiful tribute to your loved ones. I am sending you big hugs.
xo, Sherry
OK...I can barely compose myself.
First...I love how you love your mother and husby. Today I feel like sometimes parents are cast aside and many, tho not all, marriages fail for not nearly serious enough reasons. Knowing your beloved and your precious mother are in heaven together makes me leap for joy.
Second...thank you for visiting me. I gulped big when I saw your name....miss you.
Oh Gloria, this brought tears to my eyes, such a loving tribute to two wonderful people. God Bless. Hugs, Marty
Oh, Dear Sweet Gloria, what a beautiful tribute to your Mama and Wally! How wonderful to love and be loved as you have been. I'm saying a special prayer for you today and pray God will love you in the way on He can. You are so special and even though we've never met, you are my friend.
Love you,
Shelia :)
Oh Gloria, what a beautiful, heart-felt post. I have tears in my eyes. Your mother was beautiful and sounds like the pefect mom, and what a good looking man Wally was, and I know from all you've shared in the past, he was a wonderful man. It's so amazing that you lost both of them on the same date, years apart. Sending you love and hugs, sweet friend. laurie
What a sweet sweet post Gloria! My Mom had me too when she was 16, basically a kid having a kid indeed. What a lovely tribute. Thoughts and prayers to you Glorida.
What a lovely tribute Gloria. Thinking of you and wishing you well!
God bless you!
Oh Gloria, I feel for you. This is so touching. I know your momma and Wally are both watching over you from up there....Christine
You have such a touching story... I think its so brave of you to do what you did and your Mom is just a hero... But you will see her again. Thank you for this piece of life, its just the most dear thing. I will pray for your dear Mom and her sweet daughter :)
Great post,I really like your article
What a nice story about your mom and the love of your life, Gloria. Hope all is well with you up on your mountain top!
Hugs, Sue
I'm a little late but had to take time to say I feel your pain and I appreciate your sharing the happiness of their lives with us. Lovely people and they are smiling down on you! Take care!
What a touching tribute to you lovely Mother and Wally. I know it must be so difficult on that date.
Treasure the memories. thanks for sharing part of your heart Gloria. Your Great-Grandson is adorable. happy Mother's Day.
I'm keeping you in my prayers sweetie. I want you to get well and be happy..
Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment.
Please know you are missed and all good thoughts are headed your way..
love n hugs
I have learned we are not alone when it comes to missing our Moms
I never knew how much I loved mine till she died, she was not always there for me like your mother
I had my first child at 16 also, married a male whore LOl he loved all women , divorced of course LOL
just wanted to say hi
Hi Dearest Gloria,
I'm sending you big hugs and prayers that all is well with you. I miss your wit and humor, you always make me smile.
Blessings to you,
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