Hello Guys, WOW!! it's been 100 years today..
One of the things I have collected over the years are old newspaper with world events..
Some facts:
Her passengers included some of the wealthiest people in the world, as well as over a thousand emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland, Scandinavia and elsewhere seeking a new life in North America. The ship was designed to be the last word in comfort and luxury, with an on-board gymnasium, swimming pool, libraries, high-class restaurants and opulent cabins. She also had a powerful wireless telegraph provided for the convenience of passengers as well as for operational use. Though she had advanced safety features such as watertight compartments and remotely activated watertight doors, she lacked enough lifeboats to accommodate all of those aboard. Due to outdated maritime safety regulations, she carried only enough lifeboats for 1,178 people – slightly more than half of the number travelling on the maiden voyage and one-third her total passenger and crew capacity.
After leaving Southampton on 10 April 1912, Titanic called at Cherbourg in France and Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland before heading westwards towards New York [2]. On 14 April 1912, four days into the crossing and about 375 miles (600 km) south of Newfoundland, she hit an iceberg at 11:40 pm (ship's time; GMT−3). The glancing collision caused Titanic's hull plates to buckle inwards in a number of locations on her starboard side and opened five of her sixteen watertight compartments to the sea. Over the next two and a half hours, the ship gradually filled with water and sank. Passengers and some crew members were evacuated in lifeboats, many of which were launched only partly filled. A disproportionate number of men – over 90% of those in Second Class – were left aboard due to a "women and children first" protocol followed by the officers loading the lifeboats. Just before 2:20 am Titanic broke up and sank bow-first with over a thousand people still on board. Those in the water died within minutes from hypothermia caused by immersion in the freezing ocean. The 710 survivors were taken aboard from the lifeboats by RMS Carpathia a few hours later.
The disaster was greeted with worldwide shock and outrage at the huge loss of life and the regulatory and operational failures that had led to it. Public inquiries in Britain and the United States led to major improvements in maritime safety. One of their most important legacies was the establishment in 1914 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which still governs maritime safety today. Many of the survivors lost all of their money and possessions and were left destitute; many families, particularly those of crew members from Southampton, lost their primary bread-winners. They were helped by an outpouring of public sympathy and charitable donations. Some of the male survivors, notably the White Star Line's chairman, J. Bruce Ismay, were accused of cowardice for leaving the ship while people were still on board, and they faced social ostracism.
The wreck of Titanic remains on the seabed, gradually disintegrating at a depth of 12,415 feet (3,784 m). Since its rediscovery in 1985, thousands of artefacts have been recovered from the sea bed and put on display at museums around the world. Titanic has become one of the most famous ships in history, her memory kept alive by numerous books, folk songs, films, exhibits and memorials.
Fashions of the day

By the time Margaret Tobin Brown boarded Titanic at Cherbourg, France, she had already made a significant impact in the world. She and her daughter Helen, who was a student at the Sorbonne, had been traveling throughout Europe and were staying with the John Jacob Astor party in Cairo, Egypt, when Margaret received word that her first grandchild, Lawrence Palmer Brown, Jr., was ill. She decided to leave for New York immediately, and booked passage on the earliest ship: Titanic. At the last minute Helen decided to stay behind in London. Due to her quick decision, very few people, including family, knew that Margaret was on board the Titanic.
After the ship struck the iceberg, Margaret helped load others into lifeboats and eventually was forced to board lifeboat six. She and the other women in lifeboat six worked together to row, keep spirits up, and dispel the gloom that was broadcast by the emotional and unstable Robert Hichens. However, Margaret's most significant work occurred on Carpathia, where she assisted Titanic survivors, and afterwards in New York. By the time Carpathia reached New York harbor, Margaret had helped establish the Survivor's Committee, been elected as chair, and raised almost $10,000 for destitute survivors. Margaret's language skills in French, German, and Russian were an asset, and she remained on Carpathia until all Titanic survivors had met with friends, family, or medical/emergency assistance. In a letter to her daughter shortly after the Titanic sinking, she wrote:
"After being brine, salted, and pickled in mid ocean I am now high and dry... I have had flowers, letters, telegrams-people until I am befuddled. They are petitioning Congress to give me a medal... If I must call a specialist to examine my head it is due to the title of Heroine of the Titanic."
Her sense of humor prevailed; to her attorney in Denver she wired:
"Thanks for the kind thoughts. Water was fine and swimming good. Neptune was exceedingly kind to me and I am now high and dry."
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
I love the history lessons I get when I come here, Gloria. Can you believe 100 years? Wow! I love all those old ads, too...and all the old graphics. Thanks for all the history here. xo Diana
This was SO interesting to read, Gloria. I never tire of hearing the story of the Titanic told from different points of view. It was fun looking at your vintage newspapers. The prices make me laugh! Thanks for a great post and hope that all is well and good with you!! :)
Enjoyed the reminder of Molly Brown's part in the Titanic. She is a big part of Colorado's history - The Molly Brown house in Denver is a great tour. And, of course, she died destitute just up the road 50 or so miles from where I live. Interesting story. Sally
I just got done watching the musical Unsinkable Molly Brown. I have old newspapers...but none that old. My dad would have been 2!n I saw the exhibit years ago...it is amazing!
I loved seeing the ads in the old newspaper, Gloria! The prices on the furniture were amazing. I'm watching the tv show of Titanic right now. Hope you are doing well!
Hugs, Sue
Hi Gloria. You have some great articles. We watched the Titanic movie tonight. It's a story that leaves a great impression. If you remember in one of my posts, I said that we had to take up 5 layers of carpet in the Cottage. Under one of the layers was a newspaper ad for ladies undergarments out of a Cornwall, England newspaper..Happy Sunday..Judy
I have always been fascinated with the story of the Titanic. Thank you for sharing your newspaper. I think it is also cool that it is from our local St. Louis Post Dispatch! I was hoping to see the name of businesses in the ads that may or may not still be around here! I have saved some newspapers from events that have happened for others to enjoy when I am gone (space shuttle explosion, great flood, my kids birth date). Have a great day!
Ms. Molly Brown was born in Hannibal, mo. as was Mark Twain. Her home there is now a museum, she was of very little means at that time. Her and Johnny Brown struck it rick with gold and she went up in the world. Her live experiences sure came in handy when the boat started to sink. She was a remarkable lady. This boat has proven to be un- sinkable, as even though it went down that night is has managed to live on and always will.It is a subject we never get tired of. I can see from your collections you are like many others, very much taken by that story. So sad, yet so interesting, romantic and exciting. It was good to see your post Ms. Gloria and also good to see you are doing much better since you Butt Lift adventure. love and Sissy Kisses. Richard from My Old Historic House.
I hope you are doing well. Glad to see you posting ever so often.
I have seen the movie Titanic enjoyed it very much. Your post added much interesting insights into the sinking. Have a blessed Sunday. Madeline
What an interesting story, Gloria, and how wonderful that you own a copy of the newspaper...Christine
Hi Gloria! :)
What a sad thing that was. Unfortunately my daughter and her husband took me to see the film right after he passed away. NOT a film to see at such a time, I'm afraid. It is still hard for me to watch..so I don't.
I still remember the Andrea Doria that sank when I was in high school. Do you remember that? You were probably still too young.
It was horrifying.
Hugs to you, my friend. I hope you are feeling ok.
What a wonderful piece of history! Theres something about the Titanic and those times that is truly magical! :)
Always enjoy reading your bits of history Gloria and so glad to see you posting. Hope you are feeling better these days friend. Come over to Colorado for some rest and relaxation- I will treat you like a queen!
bee blessed
Hi Gloria...just checking in on you. Hope all is well!:-)
What a fascinating article about Margaret Brown. I love this post, Gloria. I loved reading those old ads. I laughed when I saw the Coke ad said it was as good for you as water. NOT! It gives me chills every time I think about the Titanic and all those people who didn't make it. Over the last few day, I've heard about so many acts of heroism that took place on the ship via the news and radio programs.
Hi Sis...
Wanted to come by to say hello and see what you've been up to.
I sooo enjoyed your post on the Titanic. Love, love, LOVE the old newspaper with it's photos and drawings of the Titanic...and all the olden ads! Those were GREAT...and sooo interesting! I have to tell you that Russell is totally enamered with the Titanic and all of it's history. Since it was the 100th anniversary of it's sinking, I bet we've watched every program on TV about the Titanic. Some were interesting...and some lost me...when it got down to all the "peticulars". Hehe! It was such a sad day though. Truly tragic!
I also loved reading about Molly Brown. I didn't realize that she had stayed on board to help all the survivors. She was quite the lady! We watched the old movie about Molly Brown not to long ago....where Debby Reynolds played Molly Brown. I loved it! Still like the old movies! Hehe! Anyway...sure enjoyed this post, dear friend! I hope that all is going well with you guys!
Love ya,
This really is wonderful article ! I simply love’d it !
Good Evening Sweet Gloria...
What a beautiful share. I love all the history surrounding the Titanic. It is hard to believe that it has been 100 years. (I would have loved dressing up and being a part of that celebration on the ship. When I read about that and saw the photos of some of the ones dressed up, I just thought what a wonderful time. I have always loved that era of dress.)
Thank you for sharing dear friend. I hope that you are doing well. Thank you for sharing the paper clippings and the prices. LOL...Can you imagine ever getting a pair of shoes for that price? WOW...
Have a glorious weekend dear friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Hi Sis...
Just read your sweet note and came right over! Girl, we DID drink some coffee out on that veranda..didn't we! Hehe!
Sooo glad that you had a good time with the home tour! Sounds like great fun!
Just coming by to say hello! Love ya, Sis!
I am amazed to get this information. thanks for posting.
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