Just thought I would share a Re-post from last year with you..Thanks for coming by as I know how very busy all of you are this time of year..
Hey a'll , Bubba and me have had a Great 2010.....Bubba finally is getting a few thangs done around the house...Got me a brand smashing new door bell...And just in time for our family gathering

I got the tree up and all lit..
Bubba got laid off from the Gin Mill again this year...said he was drinking up the profits...

I have been trying to make me some Purdy things for our house...make some Advent calendar's to give to family and friends...Bubba found me some wreaths forms...

Bubba got me a new dishwasher as our last one died...It came just in time as I was getting so tired of hand washing my best china....

We spent one whole hour getting the yard done for Christmas...Bubba said we need to cut back next year

Bubba Jr. done got himself married and graduated from the fifth grade all this in one month...We is so proud of him and his first cousin Susie Lou for tie-in the knot...

Bubba the 3th was his best man....We was so glad he was born on time....To attend his Mama and Daddy's wedding day....
I made them a special cake....

Grandpa has been doing great this year and was up to attending the wedding...He has lost some weight since losing his teeth...still says our dog ate them...
Bubba and I did get our Christmas cards done....I think Bubba get better looking each year....Well friends and family as you can tell we had another great year...
Merry Christmas Y'all....
Until next time from my mountain to yours.
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
fabulous!!! merry Christmas
Hahaha! Good one! :)
Thanks for the laughs Gloria! Merry Christmas-enjoy:@)
This was a fun post very funny. Gloria hope you have a blessed Christmas. Madeline
You are a hoot! Merry Christmas!
Hi darling.. gotta tell ya the tire tree is just too fun.. a person has to love the gingerbread house..I always love your jokes... Hope things are well your way.
Happy Holidays hugs ~lynne~
OMG, Ms. Gloria, you have gone and out done yourself again. These are the funnest things I have ever seen.I love the red car as a sleigh, the dog in the dishwasher and the big tooth baby, to name a few. It looks like you are getting back to your normal, fun loving self. Merry Christmas, my friend. Richard and Sissy Dog. If I had a dish washer, I'd give Sissy a much needed bath!
Hi Gloria,
I was stopping in for a visit to wish you and your darling family a very Merry Christmas. I would love to meet up with you sometime and stroll through a few antique shops.
I hope and pray the new year brings you health and many blessings.
Really Big Hugs, Elizabeth
Merry Christmas Gloria, hope all is well there. I think I won't be ringing your door bell after all! ;D
Merry Christmas Gloria. I always enjoy your great sense of humor. That indeed keeps us young. Thanks for the sweet compliment too. Happy Healthy, New year to you too. XO
Merry Christmas, Gloria!
LOL!!! Quite the pair!
Hopeyou are feeling better!
May God richly bless you in the New Year!
My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun
I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year
Lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer
May you count your blessings, one by one
And when totaled by the lot
May you find all you've been given
To be more than what you sought
May your journeys be short, your burdens light
May your spirit never grow old
May all your clouds have silver linings
And your rainbows pots of gold
I wish this all and so much more
May all your dreams come true
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too .. xoxo
Too funny. Thanks for the chuckle Gloria. Merry CHRISTmas to you.
OMG this is just toooo funny, great post :)
I pray your feeling better?
I wish you the merriest of Christmas's :)
Omg Gloria!
Cracking me up! Made my husband come and sit with me as I read the copy and shared the photos with him!!!
That dog with the Billie-Bob teeth just cracks me up.
That was a great laugh fest for us!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a Merry Christmas Gloria!
Hello to my sweet sister friend...hahaaa, yes, I remember this one from last year. Sooo funny.
hugs, bj
Oh Gloria...what a hoot!
I came by to visit & see how you are doing. You've crossed my mind a million times this past couple of months & I've been so busy, I didn't stop to come see you. I hope you are healing well & will soon feel like your old self again.
Wishing you a very Blessed & Merry CHRISTmas, Honey!
Heeehehe!!! Girl, you are a riot! I'll have to bookmark this one and share it with 'Farm Boy'! :o)
God bless you sweet sister and I pray your Christmas is very blessed, bright and beautiful!!!
Lol! Thanks for the laugh, Gloria. I hope you are feeling good. I just stopped by to wish you and your loving family the merriest of Christmas. I am in Fl awaiting arrival of 3 grand babies from 2 daughters.....Christine
What a hoot!
Wishing you all the best for the coming year and a very Merry Christmas, Gloria!
Your friend in the Ozarks, Patty Ann...:-)
OMG I got choked eating my cinnamon roll reading this post. It began with the best door bell ever and then how good looking Bubba is. hahaha
Darn your too funny
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and that we get to visit each other more in the New Year
Gloria, I remember this post from last year and it still cracks me up! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.
xmas hugs,
YOU are the definition of an adorable little spitfire!!!
Joyeux Noël
all I can say is "oh, my".....I do love the dog in the dishwasher...had one of those myself.....Merry, Merry Christmas...
What a hoot! Have a happy, happy Christmas. Olive
Oh Gloria, it does me so much good to see you on here with your fabulous sense of humor.. the best sign that you are on the mend. Here is wishing you and your beautiful family the most Merry Christmas and happy, healthy New Year. Love, Cindy
oh my , this was so dang funny. I enjoyed it bunches.. If we cant have some humor , whats the use anyway..
I gotta tell ya there's a little place about 45 miles from me and if you went there you MIGHT see some of this for real:) Thats a Christmas tour I wont be taking lol..
I am so glad to see a post from you and my best hopes and prayers are coming at ya..
Merry Christmas Sweetie..
Please know you are Loved.
Oh Gloria... That's just hilarious. That tree with the beer cans and the Redneck Wedding are just toooo much. It was good to laugh.
Sending Christmas huggies to you and yours...
Well it looks like you have been to my house...love the decor and the attention to every detail...the color combinations are simple and yet at the same time warm and inviting...I can just see myself enjoying the wonderful tire swing...gazing at the lifelike animal hanging on the wall...I just have to steal the beer idea counting down the days in December till Christmas...the craftsmanship is amazing...Glad your back to blogging...Missed you my friend...thanks for the laughs at my house...your friend Phyllis
You are too dang funny girl! Wishing you a VERY merry Christmas and happy new year too!!! XO, Pinky
Hi Gloria, This was halarious!!! I had to show my hubby since he likes to hunt.
I hope you are feeling good and having a wonderful holiday season!!
Thanks for your nice comments on my Christmas decorating! Merry Christmas!Kristen
So funny, Gloria! Wishing a very merry Christmas and the happiest of holiday seasons to you and yours!...hugs...Debbie
You are always a laugh a minute!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Love and huggers!
Hi Gloria,
Always a laugh to come and visit you, thank you.
Warmest wishes for a merry Christmas to you and your family and a year ahead filled with happy days.
Gloria, I am so glad to hear from you again. Many prayers & thoughts for you have been ... hoping you recover quickly.
You have been missed.
I remember this one ... chuckle!
May your new year be filled with many blessings & good healthy, sweet lady.
Happy New Year
Gloria, I hope and your family had a wonderful Christmas. This post is hysterical! laurie
Gloria, this is just too funny! Thanks for the laughs!
I hope your Christmas was a wonderful one and that the new year finds you feeling much better.
What a fun post! Thanks for the giggles. Hope you are doing well, Gloria, and that 2012 brings you great health and joy!
Dearest Gloria,
Wishing you a Happy New Year and good health for you and your loved ones.
Love to you,
My computer's been down, but it's up and running. So I headed over here to wish you a Happy New Year!
I was so thrilled to see your name on my blog. I love you and hope you are feeling much, much better.
Be blessed and have a blessed New Year!
Sheila :-)
Too too funny Gloria! Happy New Year sweetie!
Hugs, Sherry
This was a hoot! Loved it Gloria...it gave me a good snort! Lol! Vanna
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