It seems like since this new Love has come into my life I really don't have time to blog like I use to..Do I care ...Not really..You see it's been many years for me to have a baby so close by..Oh I have a ton of Great Grand kids last count 8 with one more due in May..But they all live out of state from me..So having this little guy only 4 miles from me has been just heaven for me!!
I just love his smell his cute little giggles, the way he blows me bubbles..My Granddaughter Candace is an accountant so this is her busy time of year,and she works long hours so I get to keep this guy little a few days a week..Can you say Love it!! This week her day care worker has the flu so I get to have him for the whole week YIPPEE!!
I wished I could show you a fancy table I put together or a new spring mantle but I can't..I really haven't done a thing around my house ha ha!! When I have Landen I sit on the floor and just love and play with him all day ha ha!!
I told Len today I just hope I live for another 10 years so maybe this little guy will remember me and all the love his Gigi had for him..
I know my age and health are both catching up with me...But each and every day I give thanks that God allowed me this time with this little Sailor boy..sighs..
I so appreciate all the comments you left on my last post and really I will get back to all of you..Until then I will be sitting on the kitchen floor blowing liquid bubbles and seeing how many Landen can catch!!
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
I think this little guy and you must have been very good buddies before our time on earth, He has the most beautiful eyes! ;D
Hi Gloria,
The little sailor boy is just so precious and I can't believe that Landen has grown so much. Just seems the other day that I remember Candace was having her baby.
Have a lovely week
Sounds like fun Gloria, enjoy every minute:@)
Gloria that is so precious..he is a doll face. You enjoy that week.
Gloria he is adorable! I don't blame you for letting everything else slide a bit. What could be more important than making memories with that little boy?! A little dust never hurt anyone (Lord knows I'm living proof of that one!) Enjoy your time with him! Hugs, Kat
Landen is just PRECIOUS! I love his bright, big, adorable eyes. I'm so glad you two get to spend time together...good times for sure! Thanks for sharing! XOXO ~Liz
He is just adorable. It is so nice to have one live close by. I don't have miss Leila again until 4-13, but I have her two days in a row so I am going to have her spend the night. Enjoy your week with him.
Enjoy every minute you have with this sweet, handsome young man. He is adorable. Have a blessed day. Madeline
He is adorable. Enjoy your time with him.
You obviously know what's imprtant, my friend.
If you mis decorating you can pop by my post now and then and squirm in envy! LOL!
It was an April Fool's joke!
Oh my gosh... he is adorable. I can see why you spend so much time with him. You know how I feel about my Bailey. He's going to be 11 this June, I cannot imagine not having him in my life. He's been with us as you know from the time he was born. I think about all the times he was Landon's size and wonder where all those days went. I'm sorry the sitter has the flu, but glad you get to keep him. lol Give him a great big hug from me... love ya girl. I'll be emailing to bring you up to date on things around here... hugs ~lynne~
You enjoy that little sailor boy as long as you can....they grow so fast!! He is a cutie!!
Aw, Gloria he is precious in that outfit. Adorable!
Oh my word what a beautiful little dumpling sis...ohhhh I could just kiss his little cheeks off! Look at those eyes...oh girl I know you are so happy and so blessed...enjoy your precious time with that liitle treasure...he will always remember you sis and love you just as we all do..have a great you to pieces...Picket
I can see you are busy with this precious little doll about. There is nothing like the smile on a child's face. Richard at My Old Historic House.
He ia just adorable and you are so lucky that he is close to you so you can spend time with him. My mom was a GiGi too! That is what her great grands called her. I lost her seven years ago today,,,,,
Please stop by if you can and see my tribute to my Mom.
My oldest son's only recollection of my dad was sitting on the floor playing with him. My son was 4 at the time.My Dad dies when he was 5.
Enjoy you time with him! Beautiful sweet little boy! Pat H
So precious! Enjoy your week! xx
I know I wouldnt pass up any day to spend with this cute little guy..he's is so sure are a lucky lady..
Awwwww Gloria he's the cutest little sailor boy I've ever seen!! Lucky Candace to have such a doting great grammy! And lucky you too to have such a darling grand daughter and great grandson!
Girl you'll live to be 100 I've no doubt whatsoever! *winks* Enjoy that sun! Vanna
He is so cute and I'm so happy that you get to spend the time with him. It is way more important than blogging! You can do that anytime!! Enjoy:)
Awwww Gloria what a sweet post! The baby is so beautiful, you are lucky to have the time to spend with him and make wonderful memories! Of course he will remember you silly girl! You'll be dancing with him at his wedding before ya know it! Enjoy evey minute! Love ya G, xoxoxoox
Precious, adorable boy! I think he is blessed to have an equally precious and adorable great grandmother to love him.
Sheila :-)
my word!!! what a gorgeous baby!!! No wonder you are so crazy about him!!
I have been a busy toots lately...missing you though none the less...
I will call you soon momma...we have lots to talk about. Love to check out the rest of what I have missed!
Your sailor boy is so cute and handsome, Gloria. Love that big smile on his face....Christine
OH Gloria,
He is really so adorable! He has such beautiful brown eyes!
And do I ever know how you feel. I am having a hard time keeping up but I just love having Addison! It's worth it, she is such a joy!
Enjoy your week with that adorable litle guy!
Love Ya,
Hi Gloria,
Nothing like a baby to bring a smile to our face. Landen is just adorable. Enjoy your Grandma time!
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth
Hi Sis...
Ahhh...your little sailor boy is just sooo adorable! Who could resist him? Hehe! That is a beautiful photo...what a handsome boy your little Landen is! Sis, I'm so glad that you are getting to spend so much time with's memories in the making...that's for sure! And that's quite allright...everything else can just be put on the back burner...priorities!!! You know, I can just see you sitting on the floor with Landen...playing and lovin' on him!!! I bet Gigi has him spoiled rotten! Hehe!
Sis, I just now read the sweet note that you left for me. I haven't been up to fact, I'm still fighting the fibro, etc. Not a biggie but I just haven't felt like doing anything...sooo...nothing has gotten done! I still haven't heard from Jenni. I know that she'll be coming...just don't know when. We had Darrin and Danielle last weekend so it was busy. Danielle is celebrating her "sweet sixteen" this week! Can't believe that she is that old. She was just six when I came here. They sure do grow up fast...soooo you just keep doing what you're doing with Landen!!! Well Sis...just wanted to come by to say hello and see how you were doing! Just remember that you have someone in Colorado that loves ya and is always praying for you too!
Love ya,
The floor is my favorite place to be. It's funny any pictures of me seem to be on the floor with the grandkiddos.
Honey, your little sailor dude is just a precious light!!! A...doriable!!!
God bless ya and have a terrific day sweetie!!!
Oh, Gloria! I would love that little sailor boy, too! What a cutie! I am so happy that you get to have one of your babies close much fun! I love being able to see mine every day! No news on the new one yet...very soon, though! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Sooo sweet Gloria!!! Enjoy that little guy!! Sounds like so much fun! Hugs, Courtney
He is simply GORGEOUS, Gloria. Enjoy every single moment.
I finally was able to get your blog to download and stop freezing up my computer. NO idea what the problem was, but tonight it worked perfectly...
It happens every now and then.
Forget the mantels etc. We are content to hear about your little sweethearts antics! PERFECT blog material..and you can never run out of adorable photo's of him. He is photogenic as all get out!
Love and hugs,
Your love and joy with that precious little Landen is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing him, your family and your home. Hugs, Pam
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