It seems like since this new Love has come into my life I really don't have time to blog like I use to..Do I care ...Not really..You see it's been many years for me to have a baby so close by..Oh I have a ton of Great Grand kids last count 8 with one more due in May..But they all live out of state from me..So having this little guy only 4 miles from me has been just heaven for me!!
I just love his smell his cute little giggles, the way he blows me bubbles..My Granddaughter Candace is an accountant so this is her busy time of year,and she works long hours so I get to keep this guy little a few days a week..Can you say Love it!! This week her day care worker has the flu so I get to have him for the whole week YIPPEE!!
I wished I could show you a fancy table I put together or a new spring mantle but I can't..I really haven't done a thing around my house ha ha!! When I have Landen I sit on the floor and just love and play with him all day ha ha!!
I told Len today I just hope I live for another 10 years so maybe this little guy will remember me and all the love his Gigi had for him..
I know my age and health are both catching up with me...But each and every day I give thanks that God allowed me this time with this little Sailor boy..sighs..
I so appreciate all the comments you left on my last post and really I will get back to all of you..Until then I will be sitting on the kitchen floor blowing liquid bubbles and seeing how many Landen can catch!!
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria