Hey guys, Did you think I got lost ha ha!! Much heavy snow on my mountain, I have lost many beautiful trees from the weight sighs...Within 12 hours we got over 2 1/2 ft of that dang white stuff..We also lost our power.
I did play on EBay a few weeks ago and won a few things I would like to show you..I love bubble glass frames and I found this Mourning frame...
The Seller said it was a Mother and her 2 daughters..But what I really fell in love with was the Victorian foil art in this picture...
This is from 1900-1910
I have a real thing for old pictures and cameos
And nothing could be sweeter than a small cameo old books and a small bust..You guys know how it's not complete without a bust on it..I love my girls..
And this is why I had no power for over 2 days...Can you find my sidewalk ha ha!! Even the UPS man parked at the front of the road and walked up to my house..too much snow to drive on..
My sun room not so Sunny
But this wonderful Grand daughter Candace and her son Landen James always puts the sun in my life each and every day..
Len and I both have so enjoyed having this little miracle come into our life...And it's so funny as Len never had kids in fact he really never cared for kids..But this Landen has won his old heart big time..He just loves this guy to pieces..He almost me knocked over getting to him to pick him up !! Like they say a "Baby Changes everything"
Thanks for coming by, Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gloria
And to think I thought Spring was here.....not for you! I hope things are thawing out. I love the frame and all the things in your lovely home. blessings!
I had to go back to look at the frame because I was so smitten and distracted by that sweet little baby and her beautiful mommy!
Love the frame and that ball thing-y next to it! What IS that ball thing-y anyhow?
Thank you for visiting me! You left a little sunshine on my blog today!
Your pictures are so pretty!
Come back for a great give away I'm having. :)
Your treasures are just wonderful. That is a ton of snow. I sure hope it doesn't snow anymore. Landen is just so precious. I know he is such a treasure to have around. Hugs, Marty
I was wondering how much snow you had. I'm surprised the UPS man made all the way to your door! Glad he got that beautiful frame to you. Candace and Landen look like they are doing great. It's wonderful that Len is getting to experience having a baby around!
I heard from Walter that Second Sunday is now going to be Second and Fourth Sunday. Woo Hoo, more days to have a chance to get up there! See you when it warms up!
Len never had kids and he took on your family with all those kids and grands? I'm glad he is warming up to the little guy...it would be so hard not to!
I've never seen anything like that foil on the frame...it is outstanding. The snow...awful, so sorry you have so much!
Sheesh Gloria you've got SNOW girlfriend!! I'm glad you have your power back up and running. You know I love that frame! And little Landon is absolutely precious!! You lucky Grams you! I think you sent the snow my way because we're about to get hammered with it too. I'm sooo ready for spring! Nuff snow already. *winks* Vanna
Hi Gloria! More snow? Wow, that is amazing! We've been around 67' this week! Pretty sweet.
Oh, I love your pretty bubble mirror frame with the ladies! I've never seen one with flowers like that. It's really very pretty!
Oh, what a precious picture of Candace and little Landon! How he's growing! I'm a little jealous that you get to see him so often! :) Really I'm very proud for you - he's a little darling!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria! Wow, you really did get a lot of snow! I love your pretty frame! But my favorite...that photo of Candace and little Landon! He is such a cutie!! Only 6 more weeks for us and we get our litttle Aiden! Aren't babies so much fun? Happy weeek!...hugs...Debbie
Wow! Landen has grown so much since the last picture. He is such a cutie. Love the frame, so unusual. And wow again! You got so much snow and it is in the 70's here, lol. Our daffodils and paper whites are blooming....Christine
Hi Gloria:
Looks like my house, with a new warning out tonight until Sat. that I think is going to miss you. Was going to comment on that great mirror, right up until I saw that beautilful girl, with that precious baby...then I lost all concentration (if I was younger, my milk would have come down) haha! You enjoy both of those kids..and tell Len that the best is ahead with that baby!
Hugs, Lisa
That is so sweet Gloria. Not the snow though. We love bubble glass and vintage pictures too. We just bought one off of ebay a couple of months ago. We named him Maurice...yours is beautiful!
Love your picture..awesome and so is that snow..I can hardly believe it! And yes, a baby is the reason for everything..even that the world is to go on. :D
He is so adorable Gloria!
Just love those pics!
And your beautiful new frame, what a beauty!
Hey girlfriend, your place looks like mine outside. I am so sick of snow, we got a foot more this past weekend.
Big, Big Hugs,
Wow that is alot of snow. So sorry you lost trees and had no power for a couple of days. Here is central Alabama it has been like springtime. Some of my spring flowers are blooming but I know we will probably have another cold spell before spring really gets here. Love your bubble frame and the picture of Candace and Landen is adorable. Have a blessed day. Madeline
I have never seen a frame like that before - pretty! Landon is so cute. Those little ones have a tendency to melt even the tough ones. Sorry about the snow. I am hoping we don't get any more here, but I have seen it snow here in the middle of March.
Ms. Gloria, I can not believe the snow. We had it the first of Feb. I just did a blog post you is gona like. Richard
Oh, that nasty snow! I can't imagine working as a UPS person!
Landen is the cutest thing; no wonder he can brighten you day.
Stay warm. Spring is sure to come soon.
Oh My Goodness Gloria! Look at all that snow! Glad you got your power back. Your mourning frame is so unique an beautiful. That photo of Candace and Landen James is absolutely beautiful. I can see why that little cutie has won the hearts of everyone! Stay warm in your old red robe. laurie
WOW Gloria! Look at all that snow! J heard we are to have another big snow sometime in March! We had a few icey roads this morning and STL made national news with a 26 car pile up. It was all over and done before we had to venture out.
One more day of appts and some entertainment in the next county, Friday and the weekend will be here! We had a whirlwind week!
I love your finds and the fabulous photos of Landen James!
Hi Gloria! What an exquisite glass frame - you picked a perfect piece! I'm also loving your wedding globe and chandelier - wow!
Wow-that frame with photos is gorgeous!!! The snow is pretty too although I did get a shiver from looking at all that white stuff! Landen James is absolutely adorable and without a doubt the star of this post:).
Hi Sis...
Ohhh my goodness...you guys really did get the snow didn't you! You poor thing...having to go without your electric again. Were you prepared for it? Bet you are ready for spring, Sis! It's been dry as a whistle at our place but we are supposed to get rain or snow tomorrow and Friday...we'll see!
Sis, I just adore your Mourning Frame! I agree, the foil art is just sooo pretty and really unique! Love your new little cameo picture too...it's soo YOU, Sis! Thanks for sharing your new pretties with us!!!
Darlin', that little guy of yours just gets cuter and cuter!!! I'm so glad that you are getting to spend some time with him on a regular basis! That's soooo sweet! Ahhh...that Lenny is just an old softy at heart! Too cute! Hehe! Sure loved getting to see some photos of Landen...thanks for sharing them with us! We had kids this weekend too...but they were teenagers! Hehe! Darrin and Danielle were here. I didn't do much...this sinus/allergy stuff has finally worn me down. I ended up at the Drs. Monday. OMG...my Dr. ordered the entire pharmacy for me! Girl, I can't hardly eat because I'm so full from taking all the pills! YuK!!! I just need to get to feeling better though...just sick and tired of being sick and tired! How are you feeling, sis? Hope that you're feeling better! Girl, we need to get ourselves fixed up so we can do all of our runnin' in June! Hehe! Can't hardly wait, sweet Sis! I'll talk to you later!
Love ya,
First let me say thank you for such kind words of support and wisdom. I'm listening! Second, that baby is adorable! I like that you are called GiGi, my SIL has her grands calling her that. I've not heard that before until recently I like it! Your newest snowbound purchase is very nice. I've never seen a frame like this before. Do you think the photos were arranged on there like that back in the olden days? Was that something they used to do? Very pretty! Hope the weather eases up some for you soon. Be careful!
Hey Gloria,
That old victorian frame is beautiful...really something special and unique...I have never scene anything like that before...you find the best stuff girl!
I cannot believe all that snow...God bless ya'll... having no power for 2 days...at least you've had that little sunshine baby to love and hold :)
by the way...thank you for visiting me!
Big hugs,
LOVE seeing pics of Landen...such a precious bundle. I know you enjoy having him each week! The weather has really been something for you hasn't it? I'm so sorry...and so glad that I don't live in an area with a lot of snow, etc. This winter has been wayyyy too much for me!
Your new treasures are beautiful my friend ~ thanks for sharing.
Much love,
How sweet Landon is! What cute pictures. I love babies. I will be babysitting next week a newborn girl. Having all boys I am excited.
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