WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

November 12, 2009


Woo Hoo !!! I finally won a give away....Now I have been tossing in my name in every hat in Bloggerville just hoping that maybe one day I would be picked...But for a whole year no luck...But hold everything !! When I did win I won BIG time...You see I won Ms. Magpie give away...Oh I tell you girl I was so happy I did my Happy Dance and even tossed in a few cartwheels (well in my mind eye only ha ha) Just look at the size of this box that came.....

Stuffed just full of so many shiny goodies....and the sweetest card

gold napkin rings, I see another Table scape coming here...
Oh and look at this sweet tea pot cake...almost makes you want to take a bite....
The famous Target S/P shaker birds....
A bird house sand pail...this will be darling in my sun room with all my nautical theme...It even looks like real sand it in...Love it...
Shelia, even sended my Great Grand daughter Kyra some sweet little bibs...I think there way to pretty to use...
I mean come on just look at the mess Kyra can get into with her eating now...Oh YES this little one just loves being able to finally eat food....THANK YOU Aunt Shelia...(Kyra took 2 steps the other day)
But this spoon just won my heart BIG time....it says MOTHER on the inside of it....
Has a date of 1905 and on the back it's engraved with an S so every time I see it I will think of Shelia...I also told her it could stand for SWEET....You see Shelia is another one of my adopted daughters Oh!! my blog family is growing more all the time...
Is this silver spoon not just BEAUTIFUL...Oh girl I just love it to death!!!
I also won 2 Bunnies on a stick...and you know how Bunnies are as soon as I opened the box they just started hopping all over my house...I think they liked the Bathroom as they found other Bunnies their....
But then they went into the kitchen to look around, stopped and had a gum ball...
Hung out with another bunny friend...
Checked out one of the busty Girls in their new home....
Checked out the desk in the guest room and see some other bunnies friends...
Hopped over to the bed tray and bud vase to see if they liked it there....
Found a Mama Bunny
Then a Daddy Bunny...
Went into the sun room...but the diver's helmet was to big for them....
Tried to Steer the boat for awhile....
By this time they were getting so tired, sat down to relax and watch TV for awhile it's very hard carrying a Silver spoon on all your travels...
Played the Slot machine and Look How Happy Bunny was it WON !!!
Listen to some music....All Elvis tunes of course their "Rock-n-Roll Bunnies...Hey I think they like their new home girls....Shelia I can not thank you enough for all these Shiny goodies you send to me...Ok so now you guys don't have to listen to me whine say how I never win a thing ha ha !!! Please if you don't know my newest daughter Shelia go by and see her...But I'm sure everyone knows who she is....But I will tell you I have felted since October of 2008 that I was always a winner when I started this blog and Met all you wonderful caring and sharing girls here...As friend's are the biggest win of all...
May all of you have a GREAT day on your side of the mountain...
Hugs and Smiles


Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

What a wonderful win you had!

Hey now -- if you ever get sick of that wonderful silver spoon, my name begins with an "S"!!!

Heather said...

see, good things come to those who wait! you won a big wonderful give away! love everything you received.

Four Paws and Co said...

Congratulations Gloria! What lovely treasures Sheila sent to you! Now I'd love to see a tablescape with several of your new treasures. ☺♥☺

Salmagundi said...

Lucky you!! You really did win big. I just love the spoon. What a treasure that is. Have a great weekend. Sally

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Congratulations on winning! So many pretty things - you did good! :)

Deborah said...

WOW, nice prize, I guess it was worth the wait! Have a good day!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

CONGRATS, Gloria! I am so excited for you, winning this awesome giveaway! Couldn't have happen to a sweeter person! ..although I am a little jealous over that silver Mother spoon! LOLOL! But I'll get over it! It is GORGEOUS!!!

Kyra looks so cute "feeding herself!" She is precious! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Gloria, I am so thrilled for you. What wonderful gifts. I think you really hit the mother lode. I love that pretty spoon too, it really is precious and the bibs for Kyra are so adoreable. She really needs to wear them. Congratulations!!!!! You so deserve it. Hugs Marty

Justine said...

Whoa, jackpot!!!!!!! So many adorable goodies. I love those bunnies on a stick and that spoon! Ooh, that is just so YOU! Enjoy all of it!

And wtg Kyra on taking two steps!

Justine :o )

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Congratulations Gloria! Oh Wow! You did win THE prize. I can see now that you were just waiting to win a biggie. Love all of your goodies, and your bunnies on sticks wore me out travelling around to see all of your treasures! laurie

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Gloria; Wow Congratulations on such a wonderful give a way... You hit the jack pot for sure... I so enjoyed all the sweet photos of your new bunny checking out their new home.. By the way I love your tea tray and tea set,, just beautiful... enjoy your lovely gifts.... So happy for you..... :)


onlymehere said...

Woohoo Gloria! I'm giving a shout out bz I'm so happy you won! I always said I never won too and in just a couple of weeks I won two give-aways! I'm so glad you did too! I love how you posted the bunnies on a stick and their adventures in their new home! I saw that lovely doiley on the tray too. I just barely starched my Grandma Annie's that I inherited and have some that very pink color! Congrats again sweet friend on the win!


So happy for you!!! It sure feels great when one receives treasures in the mail!
Happy Friday.
Deb :)

Unknown said...

Gloria, my name also begins with "S" so dont hesitate to pass that spoon along if you dont have room for it! haha..ya right! So happy you won. A box of goodies really make one's day!

Gypsy Heart said...

I love it! You are so deserving my friend. I think this is a happy package for sure due to the week you've had.

Tell me how you obtain these daughters, ok?? :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria! Oh, Dear One! Congratulations on your wonderful win! Everything is just so nice. That gorgeous silver spoon just takes the tea pot cake, doesn't it? :) I'm so good!
I'm so glad you won this. Sheila is just a wonderful gal, isn't she?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Sue said...

Oh, what treasures! I love the birdhouse. I'm all about the beach, so that would be my favorite! I'm so glad you won something. How is hubby doing? Sue

Dawn said...

Hi Gloria,
I had a peek at your gifts at Mrs. Magpie's a while back. Isn't she just a real sweetheart?

It was so fun to see the bunnies exploring that house on the mountain! I see they found Len's slot machines. Hope Len is doing well. Sorry I couldn't make it to Second Sunday. I'm glad you made it. I'll shoot for Dec. and hope to find some cool gifts.

Unknown said...

This could not have happened to a more deserving person. CONGRATS!!!!! Enjoy your goodies!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Congrats Gloria!!

That Sheila is such a doll and what a generous give-away too! I love all your new treasures and how beautifully they fit in their new home! Speaking of which, I still would pay for a tour of your home, it's fantastic! Come by and see me when you can too. Hugs, Cindy

Madeline's Album said...

Enjoy all your goodies Gloria, and congratulations on your win. I like your new header. I love seeing all your wonderful and unusual antiques. This was another great post. Have a wonderful day and blessed weekend. Madeline

SmilingSally said...

I'm so happy for you, Gloria. Shelia is a super lady; you know we just had lunch together last week. She is just as nice as her blog!

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Good morning Gloria! Oh my! You hit the mother lode! (pun intended!) I love your bunny's hopping around the house! I haven't been around for awhile and I'm trying to catch up. I was so sorry to see that you lost a dog and I'm so sorry your grandson lost friends. I'm sending up a prayer right now for those real heroes! That post by the way was hilarious! I will take it as a compliment that as soon to be 50 myself I look so much like Barbie! Ha! Finally! You take care and have a blessed day! Lauralu :)

Eileen said...

Beautiful post!
Your appreciation of treasures and friendship is in every word!

Sheila did right by you! She's wonderful!
And I agree with you about those beautiful bibs, they'll have to used as teething bibs only!

I love all your gifts, but my most favorite is that spoon Sheila sent you!
All the best,

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Gloria, I am still laughing! LOL! I loved how the bunnies had to play at your house. You know, that was a loooooong trip for them all cooped up in that box, and they love to hop SO much. Looks like they are right at home with their new "Mama." ;-)

I am completely delighted that you like your winnings. And I think you deserve every single one of them and more. You are such a sweetie, and I want you to know that I love you dearly. Hope Len is better. Have prayed...


Sheila :-)

The Pink Birdhouse said...

Just found your blog and so glad I did. When I read your profile, I thought, "I like her attitude!!!", so had to see what else your blog was about. I definitely will be back often to see what els you post about, it promises to be a worthwhile ride through the days with you!! warmly, Debby

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Sis...

Yeeeehawwww!!! Girl, I'm just soooo very happy for you!!! Ohhh my...you really did get a "goody" box!!! Congratulations for winning Sheila's giveaway...of course I think that it couldn't have happened to anyone any nicer or sweet!!! But then I admit that I'm a bit prejudiced where you are concerned! Hehe!!!

Girl, I love everything...but ohhh, that silver "Mother" spoon is just the sweetest and sooo pretty!!! Love the bunnies on the stick...hehe! They sure did make their way around their new home...didn't they? I just loved it...aren't you clever! Now...I'm so curious as to where they landed for good...well, at least for the time being??? Ohhh...and I love that sweet little teapot cake...it's just darling!!!

Yeeeeeeeehawwwwwww!!! Congrats, Sis! I'm soooo happy for you!!!

Love ya,

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

What a great box of goodies! Worth waiting a whole year for -- and I do love that spoon too! Thanks for the wonderful post about the 13th too -- it sure puts everything in perspective doesn't it? Everything sure looks pretty on your side of the mountain today -- God bless you real good and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your huge win!! I love the trip thru your home that the bunny made, what wonderful pieces you have!! I was at a discount store, and found the target salt and pepper shakers, and was thrilled to have them, my daughter thought I was crazy, lol! Thanks for sharing, sue

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Mom! Just me checking in again and saying to let that precious little grand niece of mine spit and slobber all over those bibs. That's what they are for! LOL! And she can doll up in them for holidays. Thanksgiving is just around the corner followed by Christmas and Valentine's Day then Easter! If she ruins them, I can get others for her. LOL! I believe in spoiling babies, dogs, and friends! ;-)

