WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello Guys....As I sit here drinking my morning cup of coffee I have been reflecting back on this past year in this wonderful world we call Blogland...And all the things I had learned....This picture below was my first header picture...and I was really like a puzzle trying to see where each piece of me fit in blogland...And as you can see I still have many pieces still missing...
I started blogging because so many of my friends I had made from "Rate my Space" HGTV Show had moved into bloggerville and I wanted to also be in the neighborhood...ha ha!!! So I hitched up my Antique wagon loaded up my Antique wares got me a piece of blogland and hung out my shingle... But what did I have to offer...I mean we all have to bring something to the table...Oh What can I bring ?? Oh I know I'll talk about Antiques and my passion for them and give everyone a little history lesson along the way ha ha!! Well I did start that way...but some how I became a variety blog....It's so funny I was not going to talk about my personal life, my family or friends....But here I sit with only 2 more days until my 1 year Anniversary and I have spilled my guts on everything ha ha!!
I have learned how to take my Little pictures and make them into BIG ones you can see without your glasses and your morning coffee...
I have learned I like changes...I keep changing my header picture all the time...My blog like my house I'm constantly changing it....I also learned how to do Mosaic's....I have learned that every time I take a picture and I think it looks great I put my camera card into the computer and see things I didn't know were there...Like a BIG old cob web, Len's tennis shoe, yesterday mail's still sitting on the counter... Oh you get the picture...I then have to go back and clean up all the stuff that I didn't notice, because it's every day life here and retake photos ha ha!! I have learned to turn off my flash when taking pictures of shining objects...I have learned it's hard to be a "Bathroom Diva" For Shelia at "Note Songs" as I don't look any better in a mirror ha ha!! I have learned to watch what items I buy and show...because my Daughter Dawna see's them and send me an email right away telling me how GREAT that would look in her home and I'm just the keeper of the stuff until she picks it up on her next visit ha ha!! I have learned I can't leave home without my camera.... I also have learned that every time I get my Daughters together and they are acting silly if I get out my camera they stop...Their so afraid they might end up on my blog ha ha!! (evil grin here)
I have learned the best way to meet my neighbors is to join in the blog party's....I have also learned this can be very time consuming to go and meet them all, as this is a BIG Block in Bloggerville. I have learned that when you do the Block parties...That Met Monday is really Sunday night and Pink Saturday is really Friday night...well you get it...If you come the day of your late to the party ha ha!!
I have learned that my idea of a well dressed table wasn't really proper here in this neighborhood...So I have learned to be more proper...ha ha!! Boy I miss my paper plates and solo cups ha ha!! Just kidding !!! But really the first Table scape I did here...Len thought we were having company for dinner and wanted me to go get out his clothes he should wear ha ha!! He was afraid he would have to actually sit at that table instead of in front of the TV in his chair...Men sometimes don't get it ha ha!! now he pays no attention when I play with the dishes...Oh YES since I moved into Bloggerville I also found out I'm a Dish-O-Holic and there NOT 12 step program for it ha ha!! I also learned that every time I buy more dishes my daughter Dawna shakes in her boots, and ask me "Mom whats going to happen with all these dishes when you die" ??? I have learned it's so great to give her an evil grin and tell her "it's not my problem"I have learned that when you have a need in this neighborhood you can call on your neighbors and ask them to pray...This is a very BIG group of Prayers Warriors on this block...
I have learn you can love people you have never met....I have learned I love all the caring and sharing I have found in this neighborhood....I have learned I can't keep my house as clean as I use to because I'm always out playing in Bloggerville...I have learned that no one in this neighborhood cares so long as your having fun and being yourself...I have learned to always be kind when I go to my neighbors house...as maybe just one kind word is throwing them a life line they need that day...I have learned that almost after a year my Shingle is still dusty and all my pieces still don't fit...but then maybe if they did I wouldn't be here in the neighborhood...
I also have learned that if I did it wrong the first time...Chari at "Happy to Design" will let me have a Do over...Now Please stop back on Monday the 19th and see what I have for one of my followers for putting up with me in this Neighborhood...Oh No !! does this means I'm no longer the new kid on the block...I learned that I feel like "Mr. Rogers" here singing " it's a Beautiful day in the neigborhood".May all of you have a GREAT weekend...I'm sending each of you a BIG ole HUG and a SMILE....Thanks for Welcoming me to the neighborhood...
Gloria, what a great post. I so understand everything you've said. I wanted to connect with all my friends that were on RMS too, but boy I sure didn't think I had anything to say or show either. I have so enjoyed your blog and I really, really look forward to the next year. Love ya. Hugs, Marty
Congrat on you 1 year anniversary! Enjoyed your post..I think we all thought our blogs would be one way and they took on a life of thier own. Warm hugs, Esther
I echo all of your sentiments, Gloria! Life as I have known it has changed because I can share and share and someone is going to be there to take something from it. It's a wonderful feeling.
I wish you a wonderful anniversary. You are a big star shining in the sky of Blogland, my sweet friend!
Gloria, you are an absolute joy! You always, ALWAYS make me smile... and sometimes shed a tear, but in a good way!
I'm so glad we're neighbors...
Sheila :-)
It is amazing isn't it? To be so different and yet so accepted by so many. Or not. To be you and your true self. Your place is great to visit and I dont' even mind the crumbs on the floor your hubs dropped on the way to his easy chair! :) Congratulations on your one year mark. Hugs. Tammy
Gloria, this is an amazing post! I love it! Happy one year blogiversary!!
aww, we love having you in the neighborhood! it's so exciting counting down the days with you until your anniversary!
This is so touching and so true! Without a doubt you are one of the most popular bloggers for your quick wit, sense of humor, great decor and fun posts! Not to mention your so sweet! Sharing our lives in blogging is what makes it special! I see some blogs that get so popular or so generic that they lose their personal touch! I think keeping it real is what makes it so fun! Hugs and I'll be back on the 19th for sure! Cindy
Mom I just love this sweet post! I'll bet you didn't know a year ago you would have some more daughters added to your family either. LOL!
Congrats on the upcoming one year! I'll be here to check it out.
I can't wait!
Love from your NC daughter, ~Melissa :)
Gloris, Great post. I have been blogging for almost a year and it still amazes me that people stop by and some keep coming by!
I have made some nice friends through blogging and it is a great way for me to be creative! I just wish I had more time to do it!!
Hi Gloria.....That was really an enjoyable post to experience...I say experience because of the content and the music! Happy 1 year Blogaversary!~Hugs, Patti
Happy Blogversary Gloria. You forgot to mention all the new words we're learning! Ha ha!
Many of us started for one reason then it runed into something else. I like to think of blogging as an old fashioned quilting bee. We all bring are own design to make one big quilt and share our sotries while we put it together. If one square is missing the whole quilt is not as beautiful. It's all those shared threads that keep the quilt together.
Maybe you could answer some antique questions for us once in a while. For instance one blogger asked me if my big red tray is Russian? I have no idea! We sure need your expertise!
You are such a wonderful lady Gloria, and so funny too! I hope you keep blogging for years to come.
I love you mom...and if those "sisters" of mine don't want to clean up your dishes...I'll come help them...lol
I am so glad you followed us to blogland...you don't know how much you mean to me and so many others.
Your words today touched me...and they are all true...every one.
I have loved reading your words, seeing your home in pictures learning my history lessons...and talking to you on the phone from time to time.
I hope for at least another year of reading your life lessons...and playing in this online version of desperate housewives we call blogland!
Gloria-what a wonderful post. You have been one of the first to welcome me to blogland, and you have no idea how much your comments and kind words have helped me start to find my way around. Notice I added my name!
Wow what a wonderful post today...Happy one year anniversary....Pat H
Gloria, this is such a great post! You made me look back at what I've learned too (I think I may be lagging behind you a bit in the learning). We've come a long way, baby, and it sure has been fun! laurie
Gloria, this was so beautifully put. You have such a way with words. Your words always seem to welcome us in and make us feel so at home. I'm so fortunate to have met you through Rate My Space, the gals in the group and even more so through emails and phone calls. You have enriched my life than you'll ever know. I'm so fortunate and so lucky to call you friend. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us on Monday. Enjoy your weekend darling. Love ya hugs ~lynne~
Happy 1 year anniversary, Gloria. You are such a funny gal and you make life interesting. Is it something in the drinking water ?
Again, thanks for helping me figure a few blogging tricks out. Having fun practicing !
I am so happy to have met you as you are a delight.
Never lose that sense of humor.
Congratulations to you.
Gloria what a beautiful post today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Great post Gloria! I've learned so much here in blogland, especially what incredible people there are out there in the world that I would never have met but for this wonderful journey.
Big hugs, Sherry
g, this was the sweetest post. I still can believe that I joined blogland, and love it...I never thought I would. I still don't know how to do all the things that you have learned...you are the best! It was so good to hear from you. How's the babies doing? Lace has 12 weeks to go.
Well, Gloria, all I can say is that you are a wonderful person. Have a great first anniversary.
I could relate to so much of that post Gloria! Great insights into Bloogerland!!! :D Jewel
You have a great blog to toast the one year Anniversary too! I loved hearing about all your life, dishes, antiques! Your a lovely lady! Just stopping in to say goodbye as I go out of blogging for a while, when I go to surgery next week. Sweet Gloria! Happy Fall and everyday.
How cool is it to see how far and how much you have learned about blogs.You truly are amazing and I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART
Love Always Dawna
Oh Gloria, this is such a cute post. You sure nailed all the facts of Blogland. Congrats on your 1st Anniversary. I am so glad I joined Blogland too because I enjoy the company very much.....Christine
That was the best post I have read today.....Love your blog
YOur blog is so upbeat and fun...Happy first year, Gl♥ria!
Gloria . . . this is just such a GREAT post. Isn't it just amazing - a year later - and LOOK AT YOU! I agree, I thought "what the heck is a blog and what do I do with it?" And now - HOOKED!
the people we've met, the prayers we've all prayed, the places we've been, the things we've learned. . . ain't it grand?
I just discovered I wasn't one of your "followers". You're on my bloglist, but I hadn't clicked the follow button. you are the 2nd person in two days I've discovered that about. CeeKay was the other. late to the party - but hey! I'm here!
Have a wonderful day!
Karen @ Some Days Are Diamonds
What a wonderful post.Here's to you for saying everything I think most of us all feel.
You are so right about a few words bringing so much joy or even totally turning someones entire day around.
I am proud to have you as a friend and so glad you talked me into following you too...love ya...Anniepoo
Hi Sis...
I loved reading your "Reflections"...it's such a great story!!! I'm just so happy that I've been traveling down the same road with you, Darlin'! I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world!!! I loved reading about your start on RMS...I still cherish those days too! We sure had some great times and met so many wonderful people! Well...I think that everything here is ever evolving...but then that's what "life" does! I'm looking forward to another year in Blogland...it's kind of exciting because you don't actually know where it's going to take you...kind of like "following the yellow brick road"...Hehe! However, it's not just the finish line that's important...it really is taking in...learning...and enjoying each step of the journey!!! You know that I love ya, Sis...I'm thank the Lord each day for giving me...YOU!!!
Love you,
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